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2016.06.08 - Garli, Himachal Pradesh

2016.10.24 - Majuli Island to Guwahati City on an overnight bus journey. Realizing that this is what i wanted and that i have it now.

2016.10.11 - Majuli Island, documenting the last tears shed for another human being - a momentous decision.

2016.05.18 - Darjeeling, documenting the subjugation of a woman on a physical level, that domestic violence cannot be escaped no matter the qualifications i earn. That the punishment for not being a 'woman' as instructed will be penalised.

"and like a ghost, ill be gone" - lines from a song by beyonce that reflected how i felt at the time.

2012.01.10 - Mumbai - finding self in strangers' shells.

2019.04.03 - Darjeeling - Home - Shed all the skins, its only me now.