9th May, 2018 | www.outlook.com
Tales A Na-Phing Can Tell by Bindu Menon
13th December, 2017 | www.inuth.com
How this feminist publishing house is celebrating literature from the Northeast by Kanishk Singh
12th December, 2017 | Morung Express
Zubaan's Centrepiece: New Writing and Art from Northeast India launched in Guwahati
9th May, 2018 | www.outlook.com
Tales A Na-Phing Can Tell by Bindu Menon
13th December, 2017 | www.inuth.com
How this feminist publishing house is celebrating literature from the Northeast by Kanishk Singh
12th December, 2017 | Morung Express
Zubaan's Centrepiece: New Writing and Art from Northeast India launched in Guwahati