Wednesday, 13 February 2013

A God for Everyone

Come Ganesh Chaturthi, thousands of makeshift stalls spring up overnight, all selling various sizes of the elephant god. According to tradition, families and communities welcome the god in their homes and the festivities continue for ten days, after which the Visarjan takes place.

Bal Ganesh

Wrapped and priced

A divine colour to add to the holiness.

Sanjay, another artist working at one of the many make shift studio.


Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Get a job. Get a house. Hope you can turn it into your home some day. Thus I take my first step to real adulthood. Staying by myself. I shall keep the ferry lights glowing at night, for my feeble mind is afraid of darkness. This little corner I call my home seems to have been carved out specially for me. Huge windows that allow the sun to give a warm incandesce during lazy afternoons, the sea breeze to whisper into your ears while sipping tea at dusk to a setting sun and most beautifully flood it with moonlight at nights. The necessary supplies have been brought in and I am ready to start this journey.
Hello there! Welcome to my home. Please follow me.

I got Darjeeling with me. In Bombay. :)
I lost the game. My army 'blew' itself.

The Essentials

I'm not scared of you anymore!!

Goodnight then!

Bombay 2013